Who we are

I'm an upcoming Rwandan filmmaker.... I have done different filmmaking trainings mostly in screenwriting , directing and documentary filmmaking.

I have worked on different short film projects uncredited and credited and I have directed two music videos for local artists and I have also directed , shot and edited different institutional documentaries ...

I'm guided by those quotes:

- If we don't tell our stories, noone else will.
From Maisha Film Lab

- You have to love something enough to be able to take risks, jump over the hurdles and break through the brick walls that are always placed in front of you, if you don't have that kind of feeling for what it is you are doing,you will be stop at the the first giant hurdle.
From George Lucas

         - A good artist should be isolated. If he isn't isolated, something is wrong.

           From Orson Welles 

       -  Cinema like any other sort of art, you have to take risks. Not taking risks in art is like not                       having sex and then expecting there to be your biological children.

      From Francis Ford Coppola’s quotes

     - I believe neither in what I touch nor what I see, I only believe in what I do not see and             solely in   what I feel.


  - If anyone tells you there is the only way, their way, get as far way from them as possible, both  physically and philosophically.

 — Jim Jarmusch

I always learn by reading books, watching films,reading produced film scripts , by internet exploration and from others forms of arts because I believe cinema as a combination of different forms of art.


-You just have to observe , Listen then interpret ... You will discover that any moves around you It's a film.

-When any moves around me ... I see three act so that's where comes my inspiration and then from there I interpret those moves in a complex artistic way which I believe It's cinema.

As An independent filmmaker I always writes scripts of all lengths and I develop ideas for documentaries as well as I struggle to find the financial means to produce them.

Any help from you will be highly appreciated.

Thanks indeed.


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